Governor Reynolds Wants More Tax Cuts

Iowa’s Chief Executive views the budget surplus as an over collection of taxes. In announcing Iowa’s $1.83 billion surplus, Governor Kim Reynolds stated her desire to continue cutting taxes in 2024, “Some see a surplus as government not spending enough, but I view it as an over collection from the hard-working men and women of Iowa… I look forward to cutting […]

Protecting the Interests of the Taxpayer: Why the Taxpayer Relief Fund Needs Constitutional Protection

This article was published in the Washington Examiner. Too often the voice of the taxpayer is drowned out by louder special interest lobbyists. Protecting the Taxpayer Relief Fund in the Constitution would ensure that the interests of taxpayers — and their money — are secure. As a taxpayer, did you know that the state of Iowa is currently holding close […]

Herbert Hoover: Defender of the Old Order 

This article was published in the Des Moines Register, Cedar Rapids Gazette, Iowa City Press-Citizen and the West Branch Times. Herbert Hoover is a forgotten conservative statesman, whose philosophy and ideas can still serve as a guide for the nation today. President Herbert Hoover led a remarkable life that was based upon public service, humanitarianism, and a belief that America […]

Blue State Budget Woes: States Cannot Tax and Spend Their Way to Prosperity

Media outlets such as The Wall Street Journal are beginning to recognize that the Red-state model of limited spending and pro-growth tax reform is working.

A recent editorial by The Wall Street Journal highlights several progressive Democrat “Blue” states confronting budget problems as a result of overspending and tax increases. States such as New York, New Jersey, and California are experiencing declines in tax revenue, threatening their inflated budgets.

Blue State Budget Woes: States Cannot Tax and Spend Their Way to Prosperity

This article was published in The Cedar Rapids Gazette. Media outlets such as The Wall Street Journal are beginning to recognize that the Red-state model of limited spending and pro-growth tax reform is working. A recent editorial by The Wall Street Journal highlights several progressive Democrat “Blue” states confronting budget problems as a result of overspending and tax increases. States […]

Encourage Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Key Iowa Industries

As tax and regulatory reforms spur our state’s economy forward, policymakers must ensure regulations do not unnecessarily prevent innovation, new ideas, and new jobs from being created in Iowa. In addition to leading pro-growth tax reform, Governor Kim Reynolds recently issued an executive order initiating a review process to eliminate excessive and unnecessary state regulations. An innovative policy taking hold […]

Iowa’s Historic Chance to Eliminate Its Income Tax

This article was published in the National Review. The Hawkeye State must keep leading the way with pro-growth, pro-family economic policies. In 2022, Iowa led what has been called a state-level “flat-tax revolution.” The last few years have been historic for state-based tax reform, with the Tax Foundation reporting that 43 states passed some form of tax reform in 2021 or 2022. In 2023, […]

Iowa is at the Forefront of Conservative Budgeting

This article was published in Real Clear Policy, the Cedar Rapids Gazette, and the Telegraph Herald. Both Governor Reynolds and legislative leaders have made Iowa a fiscal example for other states and the federal government to follow. President Calvin Coolidge regarded “a good budget as among the most noblest monuments of virtue.” President Coolidge’s fiscal conservatism is being exemplified at […]

Conservative Budgeting Continues for FY2024

Governor Reynolds and the Iowa Legislature continue to toe the line for taxpayers through 2024 with prudent budgeting. Despite national economic uncertainty resulting from high inflation, Iowa’s fiscal foundation was strong heading into the 2023 legislative session. One important reason for this success is the continued priority Governor Kim Reynolds and the Iowa Legislature are placing on prudent budgeting. In […]

Legislature Passes Property Tax Reform Measure

This legislation delivers more transparency and spending restraint for taxpayers. However, future property tax reform must be pursued and include strong budget or spending limits applied to entire local government budgets. A wide-ranging package of property tax reforms were approved inside the Iowa State Capitol this week, as a compromise bill (HF 718) passed both legislative chambers with overwhelming bipartisan […]

Iowans Feeling the Squeeze

The recent ITR Foundation poll shows Iowans are concerned about their own financial stability and the role inflation and government tax-and-spend policies have on their budget. Iowans are increasingly concerned about the economy, with high inflation and national economic uncertainty contributing to their anxiety. A recent poll conducted by ITR Foundation found that 74.4 percent of Iowans believe the nation is heading […]

West Virginia Gave Certificate of Need the Boot

West Virginia is only the latest state to take the step of eliminating restrictive barriers to health care, and Iowa should be the next. Policymakers in Iowa can increase access to health care and improve affordability by eliminating excessive restrictions on the expansion and introduction of facilities. Specifically, Iowa’s Certificate of Need (CON) laws limit patient access and provider competition. […]

Additional Taxpayer Protections on the Table

Further protection for the taxpayer can be good policy, but lawmakers must ensure there are no unintended consequences along the way. The Iowa Legislature is considering a joint resolution that would establish protections for Iowa taxpayers in the state constitution. Senate Study Bill 1207 and House Study Bill 232 propose two amendments. The first would require two-thirds of both chambers […]

The Stage Is Set for Next Year’s Budget

Iowa’s future has never looked brighter. When crafting the budget, policymakers must remain focused on limiting spending so our state can continue on the path to prosperity. The March Revenue Estimating Conference (REC) recently confirmed that revenue projections continue to be strong, demonstrating the resilience of Iowa’s economy. The REC is responsible for estimating state revenue, which is challenging when […]

It’s True: Iowa No Longer Taxes Retirement Income

Retirees provide countless hours of volunteer service and contribute to the culture of Iowa. Eliminating their retirement income taxes will encourage them to remain in the state. Last year, the Iowa Legislature passed an historic tax reform measure covering a variety of income sources. This legislation was not only the largest tax cut in Iowa history, but also the most […]

Reining in Iowa’s Administrative State

This article was published in the Des Moines Register, Cedar Rapids Gazette, and the Telegraph Herald. Iowa has 37 executive branch cabinet agencies — more than all neighboring states. The governor’s proposal is to reduce the number of executive-level agencies to 16, making government more efficient while saving taxpayer dollars. Since assuming office, Governor Kim Reynolds has placed a priority […]