About Us

Authentically Iowan Since 1982

Our vision is to make Iowa a state bursting with opportunity and pathways to success while preserving our heritage of family and community values.

We will achieve this by lowering taxes, encouraging responsible government spending, reducing burdensome regulations, and fostering good governance.

We believe Iowa is a good place to live. Our communities must be places where people want to, and can, stay for the long-term.

We believe taxpayers are best equipped to know what they need and want. Iowans should be able to keep as much of their own money as possible to help build the life they want.

We believe family is important and an essential building block to a strong society. Iowa must be a place where individuals can pursue their dreams without having to leave their family base.


Our Change Model

    1. Research principled solutions to problems Iowans face
    2. Educate Iowans about ITRF solutions
    3. Engage and Activate Iowans in support of ITRF solutions


Over 40 years ago, a former state legislator looked around the Iowa Capitol and saw it filled with noisy special interests, always wanting lawmakers to spend more of your money. Dave Stanley, the founder of Iowans for Tax Relief Foundation, knew Iowans needed an organization to conduct research and provide facts about taxes, government spending, and regulation, and to promote the principles of limited government. But Dave didn’t stop there; he built a durable freedom infrastructure to protect the taxpayer, also founding Iowans for Tax Relief and Iowans for Tax Relief PAC. 

Today, all three organizations carry out the missions Dave defined.


Making a Difference

In recent years, ITR Foundation has laid the groundwork for policy victories that include:

      • A 3.8% flat individual income tax
      • A 5.5% flat corporate income tax
      • Elimination of the inheritance tax
      • Elimination of taxes on retirement income
      • Increased property tax transparency
      • Protection of donor privacy
      • Home-based business protections
      • Implementation of universal recognition, fee waivers, and criminal justice reforms in Iowa’s occupational licensing system





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