Cities Hike Property Taxes Despite Restrictions

Cities collectively increased property taxes on their residents by nearly $115 million, even with the restrictions set forth in the property tax reform law. Iowa is home to 940 incorporated cities, and their property taxes increased approximately 7% in total over last year’s collections. That percentage represents almost $115 million…

State-Based Solutions

Increased transparency ensures accountability and provides opportunities to push back against unwarranted federal interference. States like Iowa have shown that legislators remain responsive to constituent input, making public awareness a powerful tool for addressing federal overreach. State-based solutions are critical in addressing federal government overreach and ensuring local governance remains…

ITR Foundation Editorials

Federalism: A Cornerstone of American Governance

Federalism’s history helps us understand its lasting impact.

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About ITR Foundation

Let’s be honest, big government is big bureaucracy, and common sense tells us big bureaucracy is ineffective. That’s why ITR Foundation works to:

  • Research principled solutions
  • Educate Iowans about our solutions
  • Activate Iowans in support of our solutions

By applying the principles of limited government, free enterprise, and the rule of law to public policy, we can ensure all Iowans will have the opportunity to succeed.

Making a Difference

ITR Foundation set the policy groundwork for many recent taxpayer victories in Iowa:

  • Increased property tax transparency and spending restraint
  • A 3.8% flat individual income tax rate by 2025
  • Elimination of income taxes on retirement income
  • Elimination of inheritance tax
  • Creating a path to reduce corporate income tax to 5.5%
  • Phasing-out special tax incentives in the corporate tax code
  • Banning local universal basic income programs

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Recent Posts

Cities Hike Property Taxes Despite Restrictions

Cities collectively increased property taxes on their residents by nearly $115 million, even with the restrictions set forth in the property tax reform law. Iowa is home to 940 incorporated…

Practical Impact on Iowa Lawmaking

The perception that federal bureaucrats in Washington, D.C., know better than state leaders fosters frustration, particularly in states like Iowa, where policymakers believe they are more attuned to their citizens’…

State Legislatures are the Cavalry of the Republic

Reform-minded legislators must navigate criticism and resistance, often from entrenched interests benefiting from the status quo. In this pivotal moment, federalism offers a pathway to reform, resilience, and renewal. State…

What is Federalism

Federalism reflects the vision of the nation’s founders, who sought to balance the need for a strong national government with the preservation of state sovereignty. Federalism is a foundational principle…

Federalism: A Cornerstone of American Governance

Federalism is an essential part of how our government works. This system, set up in the U.S. Constitution, was created by the founders to balance a strong federal government with…


All ITR Foundation Editorials

Taxes & Spending

Cities Hike Property Taxes Despite Restrictions

Cities collectively increased property taxes on their residents by nearly $115 million, even with the restrictions set forth in the property tax reform law.…

Where Do Iowa’s Property Taxes Go?

For the first time in state history, local governments collected over $7 billion in property taxes. In fiscal year 2025, Iowa property taxpayers reached…

Helping Iowa Grow