Iowans like Gov. Reynolds and support a flat tax; Republicans lead in generic ballot.

The most recent Iowans for Tax Relief Foundation Poll, conducted by Cygnal, shows Governor Kim Reynolds is very popular, and Iowans strongly support the idea of a 4% flat tax. Additionally, a plurality of Iowans supports United States military involvement in the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Governor Reynolds has an incredibly high net favorability and was by far the most popular person tested. Reynolds leads by 17 points on the gubernatorial ballot over likely Democrat nominee Deidre DeJear (55.3 to 38.1).

The generic congressional ballot was also tested, also indicating a 17-point margin for Republican candidates.

Senator Chuck Grassley retains a net favorable rating and holds onto a wide margin in the ballot test against Democrat Abby Finkenaur.

The ITR Foundation poll contains the first public data on the Attorney General race between incumbent Democrat Tom Miller and Republican Brenna Bird showing a 5 point lead for Bird.

When asked about tax reform, 57 percent of Iowans support the proposal to lower Iowa's personal income tax to a flat four percent rate, while only 24 percent oppose a flat tax.

A plurality of Iowans support U.S. military involvement in the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Republicans and independents are slightly against U.S. action in Eastern Europe, while Democrats support intervention by an over two-to-one margin.


ITR Foundation Poll:



ITR Foundation Poll Summary Memo:



ITR Foundation Poll Methodology: This probabilistic survey was conducted February 20, 2022 – February 22, 2022, with 610 likely general election voters. It has a margin of error of ±3.92%. Known registered voters were interviewed via live agents calling cell phones and landlines, and voters received invitations to participate in the survey via SMS with a secure link tied to their voter record. This survey was weighted to a likely 2022 general election voter universe.


About Cygnal: Cygnal is an award-winning international public opinion and predictive analytics firm that pioneered multi-mode polling, peer-to-peer text collection, and Political Emotive Analysis. Cygnal is named the #1 Republican private pollster by Nate Silver's FiveThirtyEight two cycles running, as well as the #1 most accurate polling and research firm in the country for 2018 by The New York Times. Its team members have worked in 47 states and countries on more than 2,500 corporate, public affairs, and political campaigns.