STOP High Property Taxes: CAP Local Government Spending

The “limits” placed on cities and counties by the recent property tax reform failed to address the direct cause of property tax increases: local government spending. Iowans are growing frustrated with high property taxes. In the last few election cycles, election officials from both political parties have remarked that a top concern that Iowans have shared consistently has been high […]

Trump Tax Cuts Helped Everybody; It’s Dangerous to Consider Letting Them End

This article was featured in the Des Moines Register. Individuals and small businesses should not foot the bill for the federal government’s reckless spending. At the center of America’s heartland, Iowans are becoming more concerned with inflation and the growing economic uncertainty. “Bidenomics” is not working, and, to make matters worse, Iowans, as well as taxpayers across the nation, are […]

The Fiscal Policy of Governor Reynolds Brings Stability and Optimism

This article was published in Corridor Business Journal. The real economic threat to individuals, families, and small businesses in Iowa is not from the fiscal conservative polices of Governor Reynolds, but rather the failed policies from the Biden administration.  The May 2024 NFIB Small Business Economic Trends Survey demonstrated that not only are small business owners pessimistic about the economy, […]

Iowa’s Historic Tax Reform Opportunity

This article was published in the Cedar Rapids Gazette. The House and Senate plan creates a mechanism to eventually eliminate the income tax. In 2022, the CATO Institute’s Fiscal Policy Report Card on America’s Governors ranked Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds the most fiscally conservative governor in the nation. Since 2018, Governor Reynolds and the legislature have placed a priority on […]

Kim Reynolds is correct to prioritize more income tax reform in 2024

This article was published in the Des Moines Register.

Once again, one of Gov. Kim Reynolds top priorities for the 2024 legislative session is income tax reform. A champion of fiscal responsibility, the governor knows restraining spending and returning tax dollars to the hard-working Iowans who paid them is the best path to economic growth. Once one the of the highest-income-tax states in the nation, Iowa in 2022 passed the most comprehensive tax reform in the United States.

A Tax Storm Is on the Horizon, Unless Congress Takes Action

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA) was the most significant pro-growth tax reform measure in recent years. Taxpayers in Iowa, whether individuals or small business owners, benefited greatly from the tax relief and reforms as a result of the TCJA. However, effective policymakers failed to make the TCJA permanent and key provisions are scheduled to sunset starting in 2025. These provisions, unless renewed or made permanent, will result in significant tax increases. Further, the tax increases will harm the national economy, which is already on shaky ground.

President Biden’s Budget Threatens Main Street

Iowa taxpayers and small businesses would be better served if federal policymakers made the TCJA permanent, pushed back on proposed tax increases, and fought inflation by cutting government spending. This article was published in The Cedar Rapids Gazette. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) brought historic tax relief to taxpayers. Taxpayers and small business owners across Iowa benefited greatly […]