Iowa Can Save Civics Education From Radicalized Teaching

This article was published in The Gazette. House File 2545 will strengthen Iowa’s social studies standards and free Iowa from the radical materials imposed by extremist organizations who intend to rewrite history. Gov. Kim Reynolds signed into law House File 2545, which begins to restore and strengthen American History and Western Civilization as part of Iowa’s K-12 social studies standards. Gov. […]

Property Tax Rates Under Iowa’s New Notification Law

Transparency requires accurate data and enforcement mechanisms when local governments don’t follow the rules. Taxpayers across the state of Iowa received notices this spring that outlined proposals their local elected officials put forth for property taxes for the upcoming fiscal year. Many citizens expressed concern about the notices because they saw significant increases from the year before. Some city leaders […]

A Look Into the Finances of Iowa’s Community Colleges

Federal, state, and local funding helps subsidize community college tuition costs. As an agricultural state, Iowa has historically had a lot of ground to cover establishing institutions of higher learning. In 1950, only one-third of Iowans aged 25 and over had high school diplomas or more education. The most-recent data from the U.S. Census Bureau raises that figure to 93% of all Iowans.   […]

Uncle Sam Isn’t Responsible for Iowa’s Strong Fiscal Foundation

Understanding what policies deserve credit for Iowa’s success allows the state to continue along its successful path. Success has many fathers, according to an old saying, but failure is always an orphan. The secure foundation of Iowa’s fiscal house proves the adage, with both fiscal conservatives and big-government advocates crediting their respective policies. The former claim Iowa’s fiscal health is […]