Iowans Seek Protection From Property Taxes and Income Taxes; Grapple with Inflation

The most recent Iowans for Tax Relief Foundation Poll, conducted by Cygnal, shows a majority of Iowans want protections from property taxes and income taxes, while also demonstrating that Donald Trump has widened his lead over Joe Biden as November’s election nears. Almost 70 percent (69.6%) of those surveyed want the State Legislature to limit the growth of property taxes […]

Push for Judicial Independence Gains Momentum in Indiana

The Iowa Legislature could reinforce the integrity of our legal system and uphold the tradition of impartial decision-making, essential for maintaining public trust. Iowa lawmakers are considering ways to reduce agency deference as this year’s legislative session gets closer to the finish line.  That’s why we were excited to read about our Midwestern neighbors in Indiana making progress to ensure […]

Iowans Seek Protection From Taxes and Foreign Influence; Prefer Trump Over Biden

The most recent Iowans for Tax Relief Foundation Poll, conducted by Cygnal, shows a majority of Iowans believe our country is headed in the wrong direction. More than two-thirds (68.2%) of those surveyed believe the United States is off on the wrong track, including an overwhelming majority of Republicans (92%) and Independents (72%).  President Joe Biden was similarly unpopular, with […]

Beyond the Ballot:  The Flawed Reality of Ranked Choice Voting

We should not be abandoning a straight-forward system that everyone understands in exchange for a new, convoluted one filled with complications. The adoption of Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) in various jurisdictions across the country has been touted as an improvement to the traditional voting system.  Some RCV supporters even believe it will protect the United States from the demise of […]

Your Dollars, Not Their Rates

It’s the dollars those governments are pulling from you each year that matter. When it comes to property taxes, don’t get fooled by smoke and mirrors.  A citizen should focus on how many dollars local governments are taking from them.  That’s it.  Don’t take the bait that some officials will dangle in front of you in the form of property […]

Iowa Considering New Ways to Unshackle Innovation

By offering businesses the freedom to explore and expand their innovative ideas in a relatively unrestricted environment, Iowa is setting the stage for becoming a beacon for start-up firms and a hub for economic progress. Iowa lawmakers are now considering a fresh approach to bolster entrepreneurship and innovation through the concept of a regulatory sandbox. This initiative is designed to […]

Session Preview: Property Taxes

Iowa still ranks in the “Bottom 10” nationally when comparing property taxes. The Tax Foundation recently released its annual 2024 State Business Tax Climate Index, which measures the tax competitiveness across the country. Iowa’s standing on the index has been improving every year, and thanks to continuing tax reforms, the 2024 results continued the trend. Last year, Iowa ranked 38th […]

Session Preview: Constitutional Amendments

Diverting Taxpayer Relief Fund dollars to property tax relief would simply be another instance of the state subsidizing local government spending growth. During the 2023 legislative session, the Iowa Legislature began to consider two important constitutional amendments that would provide protection for Iowa taxpayers. If lawmakers are interested in continuing to stand up for the taxpayer, they should again contemplate […]

Session Preview: A Conservative Budget

Iowa’s status as a national leader on tax policy would not be possible but for the less-heralded fact that Iowa is a national leader when it comes to conservative budgeting, as well. Sound budgeting is at the heart of all good public policy. Pro-growth tax reform cannot occur without prudent budgeting and spending restraint. Thanks to the wise priorities of both Governor Reynolds and the legislature, Iowa’s fiscal foundation is strong.

Session Preview: Income Taxes

Policymakers could seize the opportunity to place Iowa’s income tax on a path toward elimination. Iowa is in a strong position to enact even further income tax reforms in 2024, and it must. As more states cut income tax rates, Iowa cannot become complacent. The competition among the states for businesses, jobs, and people is fierce. This is especially true […]

2024 Legislative Session Preview

Personal income taxes will not be the only focus in the upcoming legislative session. Iowa’s fiscal conservatism will also touch on corporate taxes and property taxes. Iowa is currently in a robust financial position, a testament to a series of strategic policies and legislative changes that have shaped its economic landscape. As the 2024 legislative session approaches, the state’s financial […]

A Safe Space for Innovation

A streamlined path to market leads to greater innovation, more economic growth, and lower prices for consumers. The concept of a regulatory sandbox has emerged as a popular way to promote innovation and experimentation while still operating within the confines of government oversight. A regulatory sandbox is essentially a controlled environment where businesses can test ideas, products, and services without […]

Iowa’s Next Step: Eliminate the Income Tax

In 2022, Iowa led what has been called a state-level “flat-tax revolution.” The last few years have been historic for state-based tax reform, with the Tax Foundation reporting that 43 states passed some form of tax reform in 2021 or 2022 and in 2023 nearly a dozen states continued the trend. Now, Iowa has the opportunity to build on its previous good work in this area by being the first state in the nation to eliminate its income tax.