County Tax Relief Is Not Deprivation

Counties are cashing in on hefty property taxes from high assessments, and reducing rates won’t halt financial gains. You might hear your county officials complaining they are facing dire straits this year because of the new property tax law. The truth is that too many counties have been cashing in on hefty property taxes from rapidly increasing assessments, and redirecting […]

Session Preview: Constitutional Amendments

Diverting Taxpayer Relief Fund dollars to property tax relief would simply be another instance of the state subsidizing local government spending growth. During the 2023 legislative session, the Iowa Legislature began to consider two important constitutional amendments that would provide protection for Iowa taxpayers. If lawmakers are interested in continuing to stand up for the taxpayer, they should again contemplate […]

Session Preview: A Conservative Budget

Iowa’s status as a national leader on tax policy would not be possible but for the less-heralded fact that Iowa is a national leader when it comes to conservative budgeting, as well. Sound budgeting is at the heart of all good public policy. Pro-growth tax reform cannot occur without prudent budgeting and spending restraint. Thanks to the wise priorities of both Governor Reynolds and the legislature, Iowa’s fiscal foundation is strong.

Twenty-First Century Good Governance at the Local Level

Access to information has become a basic government service, making democracy work. Citizens need the ability to track what government does, and policymakers must produce and have access to historical records. While “good governance” is a broad and subjective term, reviewing the outcomes of public policy decisions can tell us whether it exists or not. At the local government level, […]

Setting the Stage for the 2024 Legislative Session: Iowa’s Fiscal Foundation is Strong

Revenue is falling more slowly than initial estimates, and there is still room for more tax cuts. Heading into the 2024 legislative session, Iowa is in a strong financial position. This was the message from the Revenue Estimating Conference (REC), which is tasked with the difficult job of predicting state tax revenue. Even with phased-in tax reductions, Iowa revenue remains […]

Iowa vs. Minnesota: The Future of State Fiscal Policy

This article was published in Real Clear Policy and Nation Review. When people vote with their feet, they prefer lower taxes and the slim, trim state government Governor Reynolds offers in Iowa.    “A tax-cutting wave is sweeping over America’s states,” The Economist claims in a recent feature, and Iowa, it argues, has “emerged as America’s tax-cutting champion, a paragon […]

The 2025 Conservative Iowa Budget: A Plan for Continued Progress

The core principle is that an effective limit should reflect the average taxpayer’s ability to pay for the budget. Introduction The rewards of Iowa’s leadership in fiscal conservatism become more evident every year. Using a sustainable budgeting approach, the state has put its burdensome personal income taxes on a steady path of rate cuts. This proven pro-growth approach has worked over the […]

Pro-Growth Tax Reform Improves Iowa’s Tax Competitiveness

The Tax Foundation’s ranking, in combination with continuing surpluses, proves that fiscal conservatism is working in Iowa. Tax rates matter. They are a major factor determining the economic well-being of a state in both the money they leave in the economy and the impressions decision-makers have when comparing states. The Tax Foundation recently released its annual 2024 State Business Tax […]

Iowa Revenue Keeps Growing With More Tax Cuts on the Horizon

Total FY2023 net revenue exceeded the REC’s March estimates. Iowa’s recently released revenue report for September revenue contains the final accounting for fiscal year 2023 (FY23). In early 2022, the Iowa Legislature enacted historic income tax reform reducing top rates and allowing taxpayers to keep more of their hard-earned income. The three-member Revenue Estimating Conference (REC) predicted Iowa would bring in less money in FY23 than the prior […]

Federal Shutdown Looms as Spending Fight Continues: What It Means for Iowa

The State of Iowa and local governments would be wise to reduce their dependence on federal funding. The U.S. House of Representatives returned to Washington, D.C. after its summer recess and went right to work. A looming federal budget battle may result in a government shutdown, and both chambers of Congress only have a few more working days scheduled before the September […]

Protecting the Interests of the Taxpayer: Why the Taxpayer Relief Fund Needs Constitutional Protection

This article was published in the Washington Examiner. Too often the voice of the taxpayer is drowned out by louder special interest lobbyists. Protecting the Taxpayer Relief Fund in the Constitution would ensure that the interests of taxpayers — and their money — are secure. As a taxpayer, did you know that the state of Iowa is currently holding close […]

Federalism Can Help Tame the National Debt

This article was published in National Review. On the current path, it seems inevitable that the federal government won’t live up to its obligations to the states. State policy-makers need to find ways to push back against Washington, D.C. The late constitutional scholar James McClellan described federalism as a principle that the American Founders had woven “into the constitutional fabric” of […]

Tax Cuts Are Not the Problem

Instead of crying wolf every time a minimal amount is cut from their revenue growth, local governments should rein in their spending. The dust hasn’t even settled on a new property tax law that provides tax breaks to seniors and veterans and local governments are already crying wolf. An article published by Axios Des Moines claims the new property tax […]

Blue State Budget Woes: States Cannot Tax and Spend Their Way to Prosperity

This article was published in The Cedar Rapids Gazette. Media outlets such as The Wall Street Journal are beginning to recognize that the Red-state model of limited spending and pro-growth tax reform is working. A recent editorial by The Wall Street Journal highlights several progressive Democrat “Blue” states confronting budget problems as a result of overspending and tax increases. States […]

Iowa Can Still Show D.C. What Fiscal Sanity Looks Like

Lawmakers at every level have control over how much the government spends. If our nation’s lawmakers need an example to emulate for good habits, though, Iowa can show them the playbook. During the most recent debt ceiling drama in our nation’s capital, modest spending reductions were exchanged for an increase in the federal government’s borrowing limit. While that compromise is […]

Iowa vs. Minnesota: Neighboring States Show Different Futures for America

Both Iowa and Minnesota offer contrasting visions for their respective states and for America’s future. If you want to know what the left would do to America, pay close attention to what it is doing to Minnesota. This article was originally published in Real Clear Policy. There is no Berlin Wall or 38th Parallel separating Lyle, Minnesota, from Mona, Iowa, […]

The Debt Ceiling’s Impact on Iowa

When the federal government is forced into true spending cuts, dollars sent to the states could be first on the chopping block. There is an old adage that says a successful compromise is achieved when all parties involved walk away unhappy.  That take might be too cynical, but it is also grounded in reality.  And if that definition is accurate, […]